What Makes Home Birth Safe?

Such a common question. What makes home birth safe? Is it actually safe? Of course it is! Here are a few of the most important things that make a home birth safe.

1) Licensed midwives are trained medical professionals. We are licensed and regulated through the Medical Board of California. We are experts in normal, natural birth and also trained for situations that veer from normal. Interventions are one of the things that often leads to complications such as infection and fetal.distress, for this and other reasons such as honoring birth, midwives offer little to no interventions unless medically indicated. Most births at home are uncomplicated and require little to no medical intervention, but when they do we are trained to manage such complications. Licensed midwives can administer IVs, antibiotics, oxygen, and anti-hemorrhagic meds. We are trained in neonatal resuscitation, suturing, and difficult deliveries such as shoulder dystocia. Having an experienced, licensed medical professional at your home birth makes it safe.

2) Birth is not a medical event. Yep. It’s not. When supported by the proper team and armed with her power, healthy low-risk women usually have uncomplicated, straightforward and beautiful births. One of the roles of a licensed midwife is is to ensure women planning a home birth are healthy and without other complications (such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, placenta issues, etc). Women with these health risks may do best in the care of an OB for their birth. When women are healthy and without underlying health complications, home birth is a safe option.

3) When we need the hospital, we go. When a woman or baby need the care of an OB or NICU team, Sierra Vista is the place we go. Sierra Vista has many wonderful doctors that take care of my patients when we need their care, and for that I am very grateful.

I know home birth isn’t for everyone, Neither is hospital birth. I also know many people don’t understand why women have their babies at home and more importantly, if it is safe. From my years of experience, and that of thousands of other midwives, and millions of babies born at home for thousands of years (!!!) I know that home birth - with a licensed midwife - is safe and can be a wonderful experience to remember for a lifetime.

Enjoy these beautiful shots from a recent birth - including one of the newborn with a pulse oximeter measuring her oxygen level and heart rate. This is an example of a wonderful life-saving tool I use to keep home birth safe.