We have officially moved to Los Gatos!
Prenatal Care
We offer thorough prenatal care including in depth health and nutrition counseling and education, baby assessments, maternal health assessments, and in-house lab work. An ultrasound around 20 weeks is common. Our prenatal visits will help set the stage for your ideal labor and birth. Home birth is safe for women who have a healthy and low-risk pregnancy.
Schedule of visits:
Monthly until 28 weeks
Bi-monthly 28 - 36 weeks
Weekly 36 weeks - birth
Labor and Birth Support
Support is a crucial element to a successful labor and birth. We will be with you as you actively labor and give birth to your baby. We only offer midwifery care in out of hospital settings so we specialize in natural birth at home and offer water birth.
Justine is experienced in and passionate about VBACs. She is happy to offer care to women seeking a VBAC at home.
Postpartum Care
We will visit and assess you and your new baby 1 day postpartum and at 1, 3 and 6 weeks. Thorough postpartum care for your emotional and physical needs, as well as extensive breastfeeding support are all key components of postpartum care. We are passionate about helping you successfully and confidently breastfeed your baby. It is common to involve lactation consultants or other healthcare providers for increased support and guidance.
Well Woman Care
Pure Birth offers care to women at all stages of life. We offer routine paps, breast exams, nutrition counseling, STD screening and related blood work.
We also provide fertility awareness and birth control counseling. We specialize in diaphragm fitting as a favorable, safe, easy-to-use and hormone-free form of birth control.