Welcome Carmella!
I had the honor of being part of a wonderful birth last Friday. My client RM was preparing to have her second baby. Her first was born at a birth center, she had a wonderful and quick first birth experience and delivered a 10 pound baby. We knew this baby would be a nice healthy size too and we expected this labor to be just as quick if not quicker. One thing RM did not hope for was to go 2 entire weeks past her due date this time!
Her due date came, on a Thursday, and she alerted me of some bloody show she noticed around 6 in the morning. She wasn't having an strong contractions but felt like she was having some Braxton hicks every now and then. I met her at the birth center later that day and we decided things felt a little early still. I recommended rest, but she wanted to walk and get this thing going! (I always empathize with my clients when they feel DONE and just flat out ready to have their baby when their due date rolls around-because I've been there!)
OK, so RM went on a walk with her hubby and then to bed when the contractions were not strong enough to indicate labor was quite kicking in yet. Friday early morning RM requested a home visit, still her body was not quite in labor but she wanted it so bad. I recommended rest and reassured her she would indeed go into labor when her body and baby were ready. Later that day she notified me contractions were picking up again, about every 6-10 minutes and not super strong yet. I recommended some abdominal lift and tucks (thank you SPINNING BABIES!!!) to help encourage her baby to drop and allow contractions to become efficient. This was about 3 in the after noon when she started these abdominal lifts. She called me around 4 report that after doing 10 lifts with 10 contractions her contractions changed and were now right on top of each other and that she was feeling lots of pressure. YAY! At 5pm her husband called to tell. me they were both ready for me to be there. I got to their home in Los Osos around 6 and labor was in full swing; RM was in her birth tub being supported by her husband and her parents and her daughter were in the room as well. RM was focused and working hard during her contractions to relax and breathe deep, and her hubby and mom would offer her encouragement and water in-between contractions. What a dream team!
I set up all my midwifery gear and before long RM started to push, and within 30 minutes of pushing her sweet little girl was born in the water, at 7:09pm. RM pulled Carmella up and she was pink and chubby and perfect.
Prodromal or false labor or pre-labor contractions can be hard and discouraging. In the case of this labor, it could have been days or longer before little Carmella engaged enough to start active labor. I'm so grateful for the information and different techniques offered through Spinning Babies to help mom's just like this progress and push through the hard and confusing stages of labor and birth.
Congratulations RM! You are a strong and powerful woman and you have accomplished so much for your family by bringing Carmella earth-side. Thank you for letting me be a part of this journey with you! xoxo