OB Collaboration
This morning I participated in one of the most exciting meetings for the progress of midwifery care on the Central Coast! Tiffany Dietrich, LM , Alia Clark, Student Midwife and I met with a team of three Obstetricians and two L&D delivery nurses at the Santa Lucia Birth Center to establish the beginning of our collaborative care with Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center. What does this all mean?? These OBs, Dr. Bruce Monroy, Dr. Danny Lickness, and Dr. Angelina Malari are 3 of the 4 new hospitalist OBs available at Sierra Vista hospital at all times. On the occasion that a licensed midwife like me has to bring a patient into the hospital for some medical help in labor we will be assigned one of the doctors, who already know who we are, and we know them and they will gladly support us and our clients care. This is so exciting!! The doctors and nursed were excited to see the birth center, ask us questions about or practices and the services we offer to our clients.
A huge gap is being bridged here. This is progress. In the small, often conservative town of San Luis Obispo, this is progressive movement toward more fluid and inclusive healthcare for all pregnant women.
Thank you to the professionals that visited today, we look forward to working with you.
For more info: https://www.sierravistaregional.com/our-services/birth-center/ob-hospitalist